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We are a global, distributed workforce, organized in self-managed teams.

Security at TimeXtender

At TimeXtender we take security seriously. If you believe you have found a potential security vulnerability in our product, we encourage you to inform us right away via

Data Security

TimeXtender provides various features like authentication, access control and encryption, to secure your Data.

Application Security

TimeXtender regularly engages third-parties to perform penetration tests. Our penetration testers evaluate the different part of the TimeXtender services and the deployed environment.

Infrastructure Security

TimeXtender uses Microsoft Azure to host our application. We make full use of the security products embedded within the Azure ecosystem.


21972-312_SOC_NonCPA_BlkISO 27001 Certificate

The SOC 2 Type II Report and the ISO 27001:2022 Certificate can be requested here: