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We are a global, distributed workforce, organized in self-managed teams.

The TimeXtender Brand Guide

Our Why

data mind heart

Timextender exists to empower the world with data, mind, and heart. We do this because time matters.
It’s one of the few finite resources, and we’re giving it back to the world, to companies, and to people.

Heine and Anne

From Our Founders

First, we want to thank you for making this commitment to upholding our brand. At TimeXtender, we strive to lead with our Core Purpose and stay true to our Core Beliefs, ensuring they are represented with every material we produce, every product update we code, every partnership we enter and every customer we assist. Put simply, we believe that ‘people do business with people’.

We also understand that we are what we give. Therefore, we strive to create Win-Win-Win solutions: Wins for us, our partners, and our customers. We believe that there are enough wins for everyone and when we think in this way, possibilities for success are endless.

And because time matters, we provide you with this Brand Guide to save you time when representing the TimeXtender brand and to set you up for absolute greatness in our much-valued partnership.

Heine & Anne Krog Iversen

Core Purpose
& Core Beliefs

Core Purpose

The TimeXtender “Core Purpose” communicates our North Star and chosen impact in the world. Our Core Purpose is to empower the world with data, mind, and heart. Because time matters.

Core Beliefs

Our “Core Beliefs” drive our behavior and prioritization. Together they form our anchor and compass. Put simply, our Core Beliefs are to Simplify, Automate and Execute while staying mindful and leading with our heart. Every day, we work to make the complex simple, to automate all that can be automated in the world of data management and to execute on what matters most.


Our Brand Story

Time is Scarce. Time Matters.

As a founder of an IT consultancy business, Heine Krog Iversen found that giving businesses access to data was a tedious, expensive and time-consuming task. His consultant’s time was filled with repetitive coding tasks at each customer site. Then they frequently handed projects over to other employees, which was also very time-intensive because of the multiple, intricate, hand-coded scripts. It was also expensive and time-consuming for the customers, as they poured money into data projects with long implementation times and demanding resource upkeep.

These frustrations lead Heine and then Chief Data Architect, Thomas Christiansen, to investigate an automated solution with the least possible demand for individual hand-coding. From an IT point of view, they found that the hand-coding tasks involved in the process of extracting data were the same no matter the size or type of business. With this revelation, Thomas began developing a tool that would automate this process, ultimately making it more time-effective and standardized.

Heine saw the global potential in the tool and how it could become a true time-saver and game-changer in data management. So, he founded TimeXtender in 2006 to dedicate his time to developing and marketing a platform that automates the data management cycle. The cost savings are evident as the platform has proven to be more than 10 times faster than the traditional approach.

Because, ultimately, time matters.

Brand Personality: The Sage

Your Trusted Guide in the Data Realm

In the vast landscape of data management, TimeXtender’s brand voice aims to weave wisdom with a spirit of confidence and fearlessness. Meet the Sage – your knowledgeable companion on the journey to unravel the mysteries of data. The Sage brand archetype is deeply rooted in the pursuit of truth and knowledge. Brands that embody this archetype are seen as wise, knowledgeable, and trusted sources of information.

What Is the Sage?

The Sage is
Human, Confident, Rational, Inspirational, Compassionate, Original

A Sage is an individual or entity characterized by a deep pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and truth. In various contexts, a Sage often serves as a guide, mentor, or authority figure, providing valuable insights and guidance based on their profound understanding of a particular subject or field.

A Sage’s core characteristics revolve around intelligence, expertise, and the desire to help others understand the world more clearly (Data, Mind and Heart).

A Sage is caring and compassionate, and at times, unassuming. A Sage can be both serious and jovial, but never a pushover, a bully, or an obstacle. A Sage is fluid, adapting to new ideas and challenging old ones, moving everyone forward on the journey. A Sage is confident in their knowledge and abilities.

A Sage does not merely sit on the mountaintop, waiting for disciples. The Sage is among the people, teaching and learning, living life with those seeking wisdom.

Tone of Voice

The Sage voice is Human, Confident, Rational, Inspirational, Compassionate and Original. Our brand voice aims to weave wisdom with a spirit of confidence and fearlessness. We communicate in a professional and trustworthy way, without sounding "corporate boring".

TimeXtender adheres to the rules and guidelines set forth in the AP Style Guide. Anyone who writes or edits material for TimeXtender - blogs, websites, newsletters, or other communication material - should refer to this guide. Use this style guide for questions regarding capitalization, punctuation, grammar, numbering, and general naming conventions.

Our tone of voice is all about bringing our brand personality to life; and it’s especially about being human at its core, just like our teammates, partners, and customers (are human).

We've created WriteXtender, our very own intelligent writing assistant (you'll need a ChatGPT Plus subscription). Remember, this is a writing assistant. Make sure to double-check the outputs.


TimeXtender company descriptions

Full Boilerplate (100 words)

TimeXtender, through its automated data management platform, empowers the world with data, mind, and heart. We do this for one simple reason: because time matters. Every day we work to make the complex simple, to automate all that can be automated and to execute on what matters most. Our automated data management solution for building modern data estates enables getting to data-driven decisions faster – 10X faster than standard methods. A Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, TimeXtender serves its 3,300+ customers, from mid-sized companies to Fortune 500, through its global network of partners. TimeXtender was founded in 2006 and is privately owned. - placeholder, will be updated

<50 Word Boilerplate

TimeXtender, through its automated data management platform, empowers the world with data, mind, and heart. We do this for one simple reason: because time matters. A Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, TimeXtender serves its 3,300+ customers, from mid-sized companies to Fortune 500, through a global network of partners. - placeholder, will be updated

25 Word Boilerplate

TimeXtender, through its automated data management platform, empowers the world with data, mind, and heart. We do this for one simple reason: Because time matters.

<140 Character version

TimeXtender empowers the world with data, mind, and heart. Because time matters.

Our Visual Style

Scandinavian Minimalism

There is power in simplicity, so we strive to focus on what really matters. We use a grid to align text, photos, and elements in a layout. We use a hierarchy of information (Headlines, Subheads, body copy) to provide the audience with direct access to the information. We keep text to a minimum (less is more) and make sure it is powerful and to the point. Lastly, we use the scale of the images (large, medium, and small) to provide visual intrigue and emotional impact. Our utilitarian, clean and functional layouts aim to inform and inspire by being aesthetically pleasing and effective.


Core Logo

Our logo has several variations to ensure that it presents itself as consistently and unequivocally as possible, no matter the limitations and challenges that may arise during reproduction.

TimeXtender color logo
TimeXtender white orange logo
TimeXtender white logo

We prefer to have our logo displayed in its main colours presented above to ensure that it is most recognizable (but for those occasions where that's not possible, we've included a black and grayscale version in the Logo Kit above)


Isolated X

The shining star of our logo is the X. It embodies our brand personality. It is powerful and recognizable. We call ourselves the Xpeople because, much like this icon, we too strive to bring our individual uniqueness to the TimeXtender collective, making us stronger together.

TimeXtender X color logo
TimeXtender X white logo

This shortened version of our logo should be used in places where the full core logo would be too long.


Clear Space

Our logo is the embodiment of our brand summed up into one clear package.
Therefore, it must be perfectly legible and without obstruction, at all times.

clear spaceFor this reason, please maintain a reasonable minimum area of breathing room around the logo. The preferred cleared space around the Core logo is roughly equivalent to the width and height of the “X”, and 1/4 the width and height of the X in case of the Isolated X logo.


Minimum Size

The logo should always be legible.

TimeXtender color logo
TimeXtender X color logo

In print, the Core logo should never appear smaller than .125” tall (4.2mm), and on screen, it must appear at least 12px tall. The Isolated X logo in print should never appear smaller than .25” tall (6.4mm), and on screen it must appear at least 18px tall.


Don't Change The Logo

Use them as they are, don't add any effects or make your own versions.

No cropping
No outlining
No distorting
No new fonts
No rotating
No off-brand colors
No repositioning of the elements
No shadows or other effects

Our Colors


Primary Colors

Colors define a mood and give a sense of character to our brand. We have selected three primary colors: orange - which grabs attention and signifies confidence - white - which denotes clarity and simplicity - and a grey - which allows contrast.

TX Orange

CMYK: 0, 64, 100, 0
RGB: 244, 123, 32
Hex: f47b20
Pantone: 716 C



CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Hex: ffffff


CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 85
RGB: 77, 77, 79
Hex: 4d4d4f
Pantone: 425 C

Secondary Colors

The dusty blue colors emanate our Nordic influence while simultaneously expressing a more business-focused tone. The blues should be used for font colors or in small doses so as not to take focus away from our primary brand colors.  

Dark Blue

CMYK: 98, 82, 44, 43
RGB: 19, 44, 74
Hex: 132c4a
Pantone: 2767 C

Light Blue

CMYK: 21, 15, 9, 0
RGB: 199, 203, 214
Hex: c7cbd6
Pantone: 538 C

Accessible Color Combinations

Make sure to have enough contrast between the font color and the background so it's easy to read the text. Our Grey and Dark Blue have a high contrast on White backgrounds; however, the Orange can be difficult to read on White, so use it sparingly and only in bigger font sizes. 

Use the WebAIM tool if you need help with color contrast.

This has a high Contrast Ratio

This has a high Contrast Ratio

This has a low Contrast Ratio




Geist stands out as a sans serif typeface, offering a spectrum of weights across both Roman and Italic variations. It radiates an aura of sophistication and professionalism, setting a premium standard. Its design ensures readability, with ample spacing between characters complemented by slender letterforms, making each word a breeze to navigate. This deliberate design choice infuses our brand with a blend of approachability and polished elegance.


You can get the font family from here. 




Arial is our go-to font for Emails, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and various scenarios where using custom font families isn't an option.



Text Formatting Recommendations

Knowing how to format text helps to make written work look consistent and professional. Formatting can also add emphasis, style, or additional meaning to text.

To align with Sage's distinctive voice, we advocate for the adoption of lighter font weights and Title Cases in all headlines. This approach involves capitalizing the first letter of each word, imbuing our headers and titles with an air of confidence and professionalism.

Employ bold typeface and CAPITAL LETTERS sparingly, allocating them primarily for calls to action and key points of emphasis.

Imagery & Iconography

Visuals support our messaging and create interest. It is very important that they are clear, easy to understand and make our brand recognisable. The photos, illustrations and icons we use should align with our voice.

Social Media

Branded visuals and a recognisable company voice shape our online presence. On our social profiles, you will see a combination of content about our product, highlights of our company culture, and behind-the-scenes stories from the Xpeople. To reach more people and drive deeper engagement with our content, we often tag our partners and other relevant business accounts in our posts. We also use a selection of relevant hashtags to attract audiences that follow topics related to our business. 


Our primary B2B social platform, where we share industry news, TimeXtender webinars/workshops, blogs, case studies, industry/ events, and press releases.



The hashtags may vary within each platform, but every post will include a set of them describing our product, our company, our culture, or industry-wide hot topics, like these: 

#TimeXtender | #BecauseTimeMatters | #DataMindHeart | #Xpeople | #Xtend #DataEstate | #DataWarehouse | #DataEngineer | #DataScientist | #DataAnalyst |  #DataTrends | #BusinessIntelligence |  #TechIndustry

With Partners

Our partnerships are formed with the understanding that a win for our partners and end users is a win for TimeXtender. Our software gives our end-users and partners the time to make the right decisions for their business and team. 



Our partnership program offers different co-branding opportunities and co-branding helps us create success together by jointly increasing our brand awareness, market reach and customer base.