1 min read

We are a global, distributed workforce, organized in self-managed teams.
TimeXtender Tuesday - Episode 25
To keep the business informed effectively, time Intelligence is a critical part of data warehouse projects. This can be as simple as comparing year-over-year (YOY) growth, displaying a running total, or a running 12-months total.
In this episode, Frank Wagner will demonstrate how to implement Time Intelligence using TimeXtender. Frank will lead us through creating a native date table using, as well as some of the most common Time Intelligence measures and their applications.
He will also share a best-practice workflow for the implementation when prototyping DAX measures to apply directly to a TimeXtender solution.
Finally, this lesson is a foundation for a future episode about Calculation Groups, a highly scalable way to reuse common time intelligence measures across smaller groups of data, such as lines of the business.
If you'd like to review previous TimeXtender Tuesdays sessions, check out our TimeXtender Tuesday playlist on YouTube.
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