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How to deal with change in life and work - with Chris Manning

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In this episode of Because Time Matters, we talk with Chris Manning about Change and how we deal with it in life and work. Change is something that is coming whether we want it to or not. We talk about how you can prepare for change and look at it in a positive light, even when we might be worried about the change. 



Chris-400-circle-btm-headshotCHRIS MANNING

Chris Manning is the creator behind some of Denmark's most used coaching models. Growing up in New York, he was involved in coaching from a very early stage when he was hired as Tony Robbins' first coaching instructor, where he taught the original coaching training that Tony Robbins has become world famous for since.

Before that he worked as a business consultant with Accenture. He came to Denmark in 2003 where he founded Denmark's first coaching institute, where he has certified more then 3.700 people. Today he is the founder of Chris Manning Coaching Academy where he specializes in individual coaching, team coaching, and as a motivational speaker.

More About Chris →


Meet the Hosts




Anne is the Chief of DNA & Culture at TimeXtender and one of the co-founders. She searches the world to find new and innovative ways to help people thrive and grow. Her passions include personal development, corporate mindfulness, and helping employees strive for a higher purpose.  

Anne holds degrees in business management, languages, and HR and certifications as a business and life coach and mindfulness practitioner. She is also a member of the Forbes Human Resources Council where she shares her thoughts and unique insights about how to bring organizations to a higher level of consciousness. Anne loves her 2 boys, having fun with family and friends, and practicing mindfulness.

More About Anne




Victoria is People Administrator at TimeXtender and has a passion for helping people succeed. She has been working in the people growing business for almost 20 years in a variety of fields including hospitality, health care, and technology. She also has a culinary arts degree and loves to bake (the consensus is she's really good at it).

Victoria has a knack for adding humor to most of her daily activities and conversations with her team. However, she does not grow plants - she has tried that but it has not worked out well for the plants. Victoria has too many pets (anybody want a cat?), rides a Harley, and has an undisclosed number of tattoos. Her nickname is "Viking" and the Harley’s name is June Bug.

More About Victoria