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Anne Bach Krog Iversen, Chief DNA & Culture Officer - TimeXtender

3 min read

The Essential Role of ESG Goals in Business: TimeXtender's Model

In the world of business, success is traditionally measured by profit margins and growth rates. However, a new dimension of success is becoming increasingly important for companies that want to thrive in the long term: their impact on the world....

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4 min read

Walking Meetings: A Guide to Boosting Productivity on the Go

Long before laptops and conference tables, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”. And...

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4 min read

Walk Your Way to Gratitude: Unlock the Benefits of Moving & Thanking

Hey there! We all know walking is a quick ticket to better health. It lifts your mood, clears your mind, and even tones your muscles. But what if you...

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Let's Talk About Mindful Walking

4 min read

Discover the Power of Mindful Walking: A Simple Guide

Unlocking the Magic of Mindful Walking As life continues to buzz around us, the power and importance of taking some time to slow down continues to...

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3 min read

The Importance of Building Resilience in the Workplace

May is Mental Health Month, a time to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of seeking support for mental health issues. The...

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3 min read

An Even Brighter Future Working as a Global, Fully Distributed Team

TimeXtender has carved its own path in managing its business with an original organizational structure. While some companies still prefer to function...

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3 min read

Why Beginning Projects with the “End in Mind” is Crucial

Why Beginning Every Day, Task, and Project with the “End in Mind” is Crucial to Achieving Success

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1 min read

Put First Things First

"Putting first things first means organizing and executing around your most important priorities. It is living and being driven by the principles you...

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1 min read

Begin With The End In Mind - Part 2

Setting Your Stage For Success When you begin with the end in mind, you gain a different and more conscious perspective in business and life.

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2 min read

Be Proactive

The global Covid-19 situation is a new and challenging situation for all of us. So, how do we cope with these new circumstances?

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1 min read

Working From Home Saves Lives

TimeXtender’s X-People around the world are joining with hundreds of millions of others to slow the spread of the coronavirus by working from home....

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2 min read

Tips to Boost Your Energy During Microsoft Inspire

Microsoft Inspire 2019 is just around the corner. And I’m sure you and your team are ready to take on the world.

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3 min read

How to Arrive Energized and Calm at Microsoft Inspire

Many of us find that traveling to conferences can be stressful and energy draining. Travel often means delayed flights, long queues and traffic jams....

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1 min read

7 Ways to Boost Your Personal Energy at Work

Many of us, me included, like to blame everybody else other than ourselves. Perhaps it’s the colleague that did not do as agreed, the guy who cut you...

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3 min read

Reasons to Pack Your Smile for Microsoft Inspire

Getting ready for big conferences like Microsoft Inspire is more than practical preparation - it's also about mental preparation. Going to...

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